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5 Pay-to-Play Social Content Promotion Tactics

So you’ve done it. You’ve hired a super duper community manager, they’ve grown and optimized your Facebook presence, have started using Pinterest to drive traffic and brand awareness, and have even brought your content strategy inline with your SEO efforts. You’re doing everything you can to push your content out there, you’ve...

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How Your Social Content Strategy Can Support SEO

Social Content Strategy There’s a lot to be said for how a kick-ass content strategy can support your social media strategy. But if done right, it can also support your rankings. Not only does producing content on a regular basis mean updating your site (which search engines like), but good content naturally attracts back links and social signals...

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Managing Your Brand’s Facebook Page

So you’ve decided that you want to be the coolest community manager on the block. You know you have to start posting and interacting, but how do you actually go about it? What do you post? How often to you post? How do you get people interacting with your posts? Well, a lot of that is going to depend on your industry and the kind of people...

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Targeting Options Across Different Online Channels

So maybe you have an online budget and it’s time to build a strategy. Or maybe you have to build a strategy so that you can lobby the purse-holder for a budget to work with. How do you determine what channels are best suited for your goals? Well, each online channel offers a distinct form of user targeting, and how you target someone is going to...

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How & Why to Use Pinterest in Your Marketing

A Pin-Up (Business) Model So if you work in digital marketing (which you probably do if you’re reading this blog) and you don’t live under a rock, you’ve probably heard some noise around the latest social media darling Pinterest. I like to think of it as Tumblr for adults (much fewer hipsters and boobie pics), but that’s probably...

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SEO Supercharging Your Inbound Marketing Campaigns

Magnetic Marketing We spend a lot more time on this blog talking about “outbound marketing” rather than “inbound marketing”. Sure, we sometimes touch on how to sync the two, such as using PPC to find SEO opportunities and support SEO efforts, but even then we’re focusing on using “outbound marketing” to support...

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