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5 Undead SEO Truths That Still Bite

In this final installment of our Halloween series of cosplay posts, we end with a parody of one of the scariest fictional villains we could think of: Negan Smith of The Walking Dead universe. So celebrate this Samhain with us, and enjoy this piece of fanfiction where Negan went into Digital Marketing instead of leading a band of marauders across...

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A Gonzo Guide to Blackhat SEO

This spooky season, we thought it would be fun to have our blog dress up for Halloween, and share some expert SEO and Content Marketing advice while cosplaying as different characters – both fictional and real. And since we write so much content here at Socialed, it’s only natural that some of those characters would be some of our favourite writers....

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The Culinary Art of SEO: Top 5 Essential Ingredients

This spooky season, we thought it would be fun to have our blog dress up for Halloween, and share some expert SEO and Content Marketing advice while cosplaying as different characters – both fictional and real. And since we write so much content here at Socialed, it’s only natural that some of those characters would be some of our favourite writers....

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A Narrative Feast

This spooky season, we thought it would be fun to have our blog dress up for Halloween, and share some expert SEO and Content Marketing tips while cosplaying as different characters – both fictional and real. And since we write so much content here at Socialed, it’s only natural that some of those characters would be some of our favourite writers....

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Using Structured Data to Hack Your Rankings

Maybe you’ve decided to invest in content and want to do everything you can to make sure it ranks. Maybe you’ve already invested in content and are now wondering why it’s not ranking as well as expected. Either way, you should know that there’s more to optimizing content than keyword research, relevance, and density. Structured data markups is a...

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Dominate search results by answering your audience’s FAQ

Search is the most targeted source of traffic online because it comprises users who are actively looking for what you’re trying to sell them. Channels such as email, social media, and retargeting lets you target users in the right place, but search allows you to target users also at the right time, when they’re actively making a purchasing decision....

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