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I’ll be Guest Lecturing (again) at McGill University

McGill School of Continuing Studies
McGill School of Continuing Studies

For the 3rd time, I’ve been invited to guest lecture at McGill University‘s School of Continuing Studies. And once again, I’ll be guest lecturing to students enrolled in their Current Trends in Digital Communication course, taught by none other my friend and colleague Michelle Sullivan.

Whereas past lectures covered Local SEO & Content Marketing Strategies and Using Social Media for SEO, this time I’ll be focusing on an SEO Fundamentals & Best Practices.  A few of the themes we’ll be looking at will include:

  • Search Engine Ranking Factors: An Overview
  • The 3 Faces of SEO
  • Keyword Research
  • Onsite Content Optimization
  • Offsite SEO Strategies
  • and Content Marketing

The goal of this guest lecture (this upcoming Sept. 23rd) will be to provide students with an understanding of what SEO is, and how they might apply toward their current marketing goals. In a nutshell, then, they’ll be able to walk back into the job next Monday morning, and start identifying immediate SEO opportunities that their business has been missing out on.

Overall, I’m pretty stoked. McGill University is my alma mater, so it’s always a great honour to be invited back as a lecturer. My time there opened so many door for me, and I look forward to being able to contribute to experience of some of its current students.

CT Moore

The founder of Socialed Inc., CT Moore has over a decade of experience in Digital Marketing, and has managed SEO, Social Media, and Content Marketing campaigns for both start-ups and multinational brands alike. He was also a Founding Partner and Head of Digital at Anderson Pigeon, a full-service agency, as well as a Board Member of the Ireland Canada Chamber of Commerce Montreal Chapter. CT's writing has been featured in dozens of publications and blogs, and he’s spoken at conferences throughout Canada, the US, and Europe. You can stalk CT and learn more about him through his LinkedIn profile.


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