The McGill School of Continuing Studies has started offering a new certificate program in Digital Content and Community Management. I'll be guest lecturing tomorrow evening, Thursday, September 25, and the title of my lecture will be Using Social Media for SEO.
The 3 Things You Need to Know About Branded Content Strategy
Content is king. Sure, whatever. Water is also wet, but who cares? Every marketer should know that you need content, and good content, but what does your content really amount to if it’s no different from what everyone else is doing?
Syncing Your SEO & Content Strategies
Whether or not you agree with them, there are two cliches that digital marketers don’t seem tired of repeating: “SEO is Dead” and “Content is King”. I’m actually a little embarrassed to even mention them, but they’re gonna provide a nice little segue into the main narrative of this post — which is about how you can create better, more relevant...
Knowing What and When to Outsource
Competing in the digital landscape usually means competing on several fronts. You need good design (product or web), solid tech (frontend and backend), strong marketing (acquisition and retention), and the talent to help make it all come together. Indeed, even on the marketing front, you need to find the right balance of SEO, PPC, affiliate...
When to Use an Agency
If you’ve ever been in a position where you’ve had to choose between hiring an employee or hiring an agency, to do something in-house or to outsource it to a third-party, then you should probably read this blog post.
Refining Your Keyword Narrative
We’re all probably tired of hearing the phrase “Content is King,” and we’re tired of it because it’s become such a cliche. But the thing about cliches is that they’re cliches for a reason; that is, they’re generalizations or stereotypes that are accurate more often than they're not.
SEO Traffic: A Reminder
Full Disclosure: I'm a professional SEO who has a heavily vested interest in companies investing in, well, SEO so that I can carve out my own little slice of the American Dream. Okay, now that I got that out of the way, let me get to the point as quickly as possible: SEO represents the most targeted source of traffic online.
Get Hit with Some Knowledge (Graph)
A couple years ago, Google launched a little-known feature called knowledge graph, and recently rolled out a few changes to it (again, on the down-low). While most of us never heard anything about it, but we have all certainly seen the impact in our search results.
How to Sync Your Content and SEO Strategies
So if you’re being honest with yourself about SEO, then you know that you have to do the whole content marketing thing. But how do you tackle it in a way that supports your SEO strategy without compromising the integrity of your content — e.g. without making your content suck ballz?
Some Inconvenient Truths About SEO
So you think you know something about SEO? Let me guess: you read a few blog posts, and maybe even The Beginner's Guide to SEO? Well, if Malcolm Gladwell is to be believed (and he probably should be because he's wicked smart), you probably don't know sh*t about SEO because it takes about 10,000 hours to master anything.