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SEO, Keyword Narrative, and Your Content Strategy

Content is king, blah, blah, blah. Great content drives SEO, blah, blah, blah. We’ve all heard all the cliches before. But just like there’s a huge difference between building websites for search engines and building websites for users (i.e. human beings), there’s a difference between writing for search engines and writing for users.

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4 Ways to Step Up Your Digital Marketing in 2014

It’s the the final stretch of 2013, and you might be already be thinking about New Year’s resolutions. And if you’re a marketer or an entrepreneur, you’re certainly thinking about how you’re going to do business in 2014 — new markets you’re going to crack in to, new campaigns you’re going to launch, new partnerships you’re going to strike up. In...

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5 Marketing Tools Made in Canada

With 2013 coming to an end, a lot of us marketers are turning an eye to mapping out strategies and planning campaigns for the new year. And as Canadians, part of that planning process is often how we’re going to either compete with some of our larger counterparts to the south, or engage a market with ten times as many consumers as we have here...

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SEO for WordPress – Wordcamp Montreal 2012

This past weekend, I gave a presentation at Wordcamp Montreal called “SEO for WordPress”. In it, I explored: how to use WordPress to maximize your chances of ranking for the terms that are most relevant to your content. Specifically, we’ll look at: Building a Keyword Targeted Category Taxonomy Key SEO Plugins Addressing Duplicate...

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Live Blog – What Clients Want

This is a live blog post from the Acquisio User Summit 2012. Everything that follows is a representation of what the speakers said and not a direct quote. I have tried to remain as accurate as possible, but if you feel like any point has been misrepresented, please feel free to leave a comment below. Moderator: Diarmid Thomson (DT),...

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Bringing Your Blog Back into the Marketing Fold

So you’re a social media marketing rockstar. You manage your Facebook Page with style and grace. You have your fingers in all kinds of social media ad formats and you’re really good at optimizing your Page Post Ads on Facebook. And, of course, you know how to measure every social media action out there — from Tweets to Likes...

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What You Need to Know About Measuring Social Media

Credit: Social On Main So social media has gone mainstream. No seriously: MAINSTREAM. How do I know? Well, aside from the fact that every second piece of print or outdoor advertising seems to have a “Like” icon somewhere on it, Google has fully incorporated social tracking into Google Analytics. And that means that social media is so...

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5 Pay-to-Play Social Content Promotion Tactics

So you’ve done it. You’ve hired a super duper community manager, they’ve grown and optimized your Facebook presence, have started using Pinterest to drive traffic and brand awareness, and have even brought your content strategy inline with your SEO efforts. You’re doing everything you can to push your content out there,...

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