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Using Structured Data to Hack Your Rankings

Maybe you’ve decided to invest in content and want to do everything you can to make sure it ranks. Maybe you’ve already invested in content and are now wondering why it’s not ranking as well as expected. Either way, you should know that there’s more to optimizing content than keyword research, relevance, and density. Structured data markups is a...

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Content is an Investment in Infrastructure

There’s certainly no shortage of adages, slogans, or idioms about content marketing, why it’s the bee’s knees, and why your business should be doing it. But the truth is that if you’re not investing in content, then you’re not investing in your business’s infrastructure and its growth.

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I’ll be Guest Lecturing (again) at McGill University

For the 3rd time, I've been invited to guest lecture at McGill University's School of Continuing Studies. I'll be guest lecturing to students enrolled in their Current Trends in Digital Communication course. Whereas past lectures covered Local SEO & Content Marketing Strategies and Using Social Media for SEO, this time I'll be focusing on an...

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Use PPC Data to Create Good Content that Converts

Everyone and anyone will tell you that you have to create ‘good’ content, but what the hooter does that even mean? Some of your content might be really good at explaining your product/service’s value-proposition, but who effing cares? I mean, can you remember the last time you were like “Yeah, you know what I’m in the mood for right now? I’m...

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4 Things I (Re)Learned About Content Marketing Writing for a Newspaper

Earlier this year, though, I had an opportunity to write a guest column for the Montreal Gazette. It was a learning experience, and it afforded me some first-hand insight into some the structural and cultural challenges that formerly print-publishers face as they continue to pivot into digital media. But it also made me better appreciate much of...

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Guest Lecture @ McGill: Local Online Marketing Strategies

A little over a year ago, I was invited to guest lecture on Using Social Media for SEO at the McGill School of Continuing Studies. Well, I've recently started blogging about business for the Montreal Gazette, and have been invited back to lecture (next Tuesday, April 19th) on my inaugural post, Online Marketing: A roadmap for local businesses.

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5 SEO Rules for the Travel Industry

When it comes to SEO, there are best practices which are universal, immutable laws, and then there are a slew of strategies and tactics that you can/should employ depending on your industry, how competitive it is, and just exactly what it is that the competition is doing. While the travel industry is particularly competitive and widely varied,...

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Building a Brand Conscious Content Strategy

In a time when the adage “Content is King” is celebrated over and over as some kind of universal truth, many marketers fall into the trap of producing content for the sake of producing content. Just as your brand offers a unique selling proposition (USP) to its customers (e.g. user experience, loyalty rewards, etc.), so should its content; and...

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The New Content Narrative: Syncing Social with SEO

In this digital age, “Content is King” is a catch phrase that gets thrown around ad nauseum. After all, content is one of the most meaningful and effective ways to engage people through social media and get a brand in front of consumers. But while it’s great to produce content that people engage with and share and remember, what does that really...

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